Rest in Peace Sadie Girl

Sadie lost her battle late yesterday afternoon.  Her body could no longer beat the toxoplasmosis that was destroying her body.

The heartbreak I am feeling is like no other.  She was such a part of my life.  I know I did everything I could to save her.  I hope she knew she was loved.  I will miss her each and every day.

Rest in Peace my sweet girl.  I hope you are able to run free without pain.

Feeling better

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4 Responses to Rest in Peace Sadie Girl

  1. Carla says:

    My deepest sympathy. Sadie is now happy and free from pain and you will forever be in her heart.


  2. Trish says:

    I’m finally getting time to read your Blogs…and VERY glad I found you and your experiences. Your Sadie experience sounds very much like my “Kodak” experience…and I’m so glad we found them in time to let them know they were loved and cared for…before they passed, way too early!!!


  3. iamthecush says:

    You did an amazing thing taking such loving care of Sadie after she fell into your life. I wish there were more people like you in this world because it would be an altogether warmer place. I am sure Sadie knew she was loved and that you gave her the best gift anyone can give to another, the gift of unconditional, unwavering support and love; no one could ever ask for anything more. Keep on fighting the good fight and keep on writing, your voice touches more people than you may know.


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